Name: Wilhelm Von Mueckenfueck
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Student of Art at Anachronista Academy
City of Origin: Berlin, Germany
Eyes: Freaky Glowing Yellow
Hair: Black
Skin: Pasty White
Age: 18
Known Relatives: Otto and Ilse Von Mueckenfueck (Parents), Gisa and Heinrich Von Mueckenfueck (Grandparents), Various Others
Preferred Attire: Black Unitards

Wilhelm is the Featureless Void's resident artist, although his talent lends itself more to inventing absurdly pompous labels for his work than to actually creating any art. Currently in his Baroque-Roccocco-Blue Rider-Bauhaus-Impressionist phase, Wilhelm like sto sling around words like "Biedermeyer," "Pedestrian," and "Bourgeoisie" to describe his critics. Wilhelm harbors a terrible secret that has not yet been revealed, and his arch nemesis is Howard Bottomfeeder. Told his grandmother about "The Dukes of Hazzard." Created pure art. Sold out to The Man. Went on a vision quest with his gay robot spirit guide Cygor 5000. Failed to discover the secret of The Blue Flower. Glimpsed the distant future in a dream. Tried to become a lesbian. Twice.